For 15mm or 20mm solo wargamers and campaign players in the WW2 era.

Well hello and welcome to the website for HEROES ALLFIGHT YOUR OWN BATTLES and FIGHT YOUR OWN WARS

There are brief descriptions here of each of the 3 publications, a DOWNLOADS page where they are all available FREE and then some more stuff about my own wargaming exploits - a GALLERY page, some help with WHERE TO START if you are new to wargaming and MAKING SCENERY if you need some help in that department. 

Heroes All is a whole rule system that allows 2 players to play a 15/20mm tabletop wargame at Company/platoon level on a table probably no larger than about 6ft x 4ft.  (28mm players may find the move-distances and firing ranges a bit short.  10/6mm players can simply interpret "inches" as "centimetres").  The rules come with printable CODEX Cards and printable RULES cards.  There is even a series of "Examples and Little Stories" to explain how the rules work.

Fight Your Own Battles is a unique mechanism that allows a 15mm/20mm wargamer to play a battle as both Generals.  They dove-tail into my new ruleset Heroes All.  Here you will find a complete games package.

Fight Your Own Wars is a collection of rules for playing a WW2-era solo campaign and includes information on maps, movement, aircraft, naval operations, weather and a load of other stuff as well like logistics, replenishment of casualties etc.  The new version will, hopefully, be ready in the not too distant future!!

NOTE - all of the above is available FREE through this website.

As always, please do not be shy about contacting me through this site - whatever your thoughts - click on the radio vehicle below to go to the CONTACTS page.

Happy wargaming!!


Fight Your Own Wars

So, the British are poised to launch an invasion of a German-held island with airborne forces, naval support and aircraft overhead.  The Luftwaffe, Kriegsmarine, Coastal artillery and ground troops await them.  This is the final (I hope) all-encompassing play-test of FYOW before I let it loose on the World.  It's been a long time coming and I confess to having had doubts as to whether I would ever get this far, BUT, hang on in there and watch this space.  As our Bavarian friend once said, "Er kompt!!"


Modular Hill System

For those with a technical interest, I have added some technical details of the modular hill pieces in the Gallery section


Click on the picture above to go to the Fight Your Own Battles YouTube channel

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