Fight Your Own Wars

FYOW is the campaign version of FYOB - a set of rules and mechanisms that will enable you to run a solo campaign in the WW2 era (and possibly beyond if you are happy to adapt and adopt the rules as you see fit).  The rules are an extension of FYOB and many of the structures in FYOB are used in FYOW so that there is continuity.  When the action switches to the tabletop, the Heroes All ruleset is a perfect compliment.

FYOW is designed to play out land-based campaigns but includes mechanisms to bring in air and naval engagements.  Then there are aspects of a campaign that are more or less invisible - like logistics, replenishment of casualties and high level strategic decisions.

Add to that the impact of weather, map movements and even partisan fighters and you have a different World! 

FYOW covers all of these things and allows a player to conduct a campaign either solo or with colleagues.  Just because the rules are geared towards solo play, there is no reason why they should not be used against an opponent, or, perhaps, with two or more of you teaming up to play as a "solo team" (if that makes sense).  The rules will come with a stationery pack and so will include everything you will need to play out your campaigns - all you need to add is the usual array of dice etc.  In fact, FYOW contains a complete list of all the bits and pieces you will need.

I am hoping to release the new version of FYOW 22nd February 2025 in a PDF format that makes printing and reference easy.  Thank you for your continued patience.

Test Campaign Update

Though I don't intend to produce a Blog of developments, I thought it might be of interest to outline activity to date with the final test campaign.

I am still in the pre-invasion stage having been obliged to tweak some of the aircraft and boat rules.  One day of campaign time takes about 1-2 hours of real time to work through.  The British have carried out 3 air raids on coastal strongpoints, causing some casualties and damage to coastal gun emplacements, buildings and bridges.  German casualties have been light.  One British bomber has been shot down.

The date for the invasion is set for a couple of campaign days' time.  The points of attack and the forces allocated to each were listed in 12 variations before being randomly mixed.  A colleague at the Tabletop club threw a D12 to pick the final plan which, as I write, has not been revealed to me.

The British are about to sail, virtually at full strength but the German defenders have been suffering from Supply issues and it is likely that, this week, the German Commander will be forced to place most of his force in "Rest" mode so that Supply stockpiles can be built up.  Failing this, many units will be fighting on rations............

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